After a rather spectacular night of comment spam, I've switched off comments on archived posts at Blather v.1. (Comments still enabled here, but man I sure hope Ben and Mena come up with some effective way to spank those jerks in a future release.) I can't imagine why anybody should care about this, unless they had a burning need to post comments to an obsolete edition of an obscure weblog, in which case they're probably comment spammers and I have for them THIS and also THIS and THIS {series of violent arm gestures}. Thank you.
I actually have comments still turned on at a no-longer-active blog of mine, sort of as a honey-pot for comment bloggers, letting me harvest their URLs of Evil and both add them to the blacklist to protect my True Blog, as well as submit them to the MT-Blacklist gods for universal condemnation. It gives a feeling inside that's both cold and warm.
Posted by: *** Dave | February 23, 2004 at 07:07 AM
that's so fiendish. you know, in a good way.
Posted by: Bill | February 23, 2004 at 11:07 AM
nice site
Posted by: the other | February 27, 2004 at 10:13 AM
sorry. couldn't resist.
Posted by: the other | February 27, 2004 at 10:15 AM