As Jon Stewart pointed out on last night's Daily Show, people with jobs really missed out on something yesterday, unless their jobs permitted them, as mine did, to sit and stare at the TV coverage of the 9/11 hearings. The opening statement by witness and BushCo whipping boy Richard Clarke was so simple and eloquent, and offered such a stark contrast to the "What, us? Noooo, them" of other witnesses, that it seemed to knock even the panel's most aggressive Clarke-hunters off their game. (Former Navy Secretary John Lehman took a good nasty swing but missed by a mile, and Clarke never rattled.) Streaming video: The Washington Post excerpts Clarke's opening statement; C-Span has Clarke's complete testimony, plus the subsequent appearance by deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, who really should think about playing silent-movie villains in his next career. The Post also has David Montgomery's take on panel member Bob Kerrey's open disgust over witnesses' buck-passing. Slate's Fred Kaplan weighs in here on Clarke's day before the cameras.
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